Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Showers Bring...Good Television!

It's taken months of watching agonizingly terrible reality TV and reruns and praying that it will soon stop...BUT, it's finally here -- REAL television!!! Yes, with the writer's strike over and those crews and casts back in action, our favorite shows are finally coming back to life in the next few weeks, and boy, am I excited! (Really. I am sooo excited! I have been counting down the weeks, waiting for my TV to mean something to me again. When shows like Cavemen and Carpoolers and Don't Forget the Lyrics seem appealing, you know television's in trouble.) So, without further ado, here is a list (in air date order) of when the REAL shows are coming back...[Drumroll, please]...:

Samantha Who: Monday, April 7

Boston Legal: Tuesday, April 8

30 Rock: Thursday, April 10

The Office: Thursday, April 10

Desperate Housewives: Sunday, April 13

Smallville:* Thursday, April 17 (*Okay, so you might be asking yourself, "Huh? This is what she considers to be a REAL TV show?" Well, no. I don't. It's in here for the sake of one particular reader of this blog who would, sadly enough, be interested. Hey, at least I didn't stoop low enough to include the air date for Battlestar Gallactica (April 4).)

Brothers & Sisters: Sunday, April 20

Gossip Girl: Monday, April 21

Grey's Anatomy: Thursday, April 24

Ugly Betty: Thursday, April 24

Lost: Thursday, April 24

Unfortunately, Dirty Sexy Money and Pushing Daisies will not return until next season.

As for Lipstick Jungle and Cashmere Mafia -- the shows that got me through the dreary, terrible-TV weeks of February and March -- I don't know when and if they will return. (And to tell you the truth, as long as Dirty Sexy Money and Gossip Girl are back, I frankly don't care about the other filthy rich people shows; they simply don't measure up.)

So, get your DVR's ready, get your feet up, and get back to being friends with your TV (oh, I've missed you so, TV)! ...April's never looked so good.

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