Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part VI

My predictions were all right! *Patting myself on the back.* Well, the Oscars were pretty blah this year. Some great dresses; some lousy dresses. Nothing very memorable, except those weird award presentations where egocentric actors and actresses who've already won their own Oscars tell the actor/actress nominees of the night (in the second-person) how each one of their innovative 2008 performances changed the world. Gag me.

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part V

That dancing medley was fun! Woke me up. And that black girl showed everyone up at the end. Yeah!

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part IV

I'm bored. *Yawn.*

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part III

I stand corrected, WJW. Sean Penn has won before. But I hear his performance in Milk is the leading candidate for an Oscar this year. And besides, I think he should have won for I Am Sam way back when, so they still owe him one. I did not enjoy that musical medley at all. And was that vampire movie (Twilight?) a musical?? Why were those vampire kids singing during that medley?

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part II

Finally -- Tina Fey and Steve Martin -- a breath of fresh air and some humor! Can either of them replace Hugh Jackman as the host mid-show? ...And Ben Stiller is hilarious! I don't believe he's ever hosted ...that would be great to see one day...maybe today? -- please?! Anyway, I'm happy to see the Duchess win for costumes -- it really deserved it. And if WallE hadn't won for best animated feature, that would have been ridiculous. ...I still have to see Slumdog Millionaire. My bet is (from what I've heard about it) that it wins best movie tonight. I think that Kate Winslet will win best actress...even though there's talk that her speech at the Golden Globes annoyed everyone enough to award the Oscar to someone else. She was really great this year. As for best actor, I haven't seen Milk, but I think Sean Penn deserves to get an Oscar after all these years of great performances. (As you can tell, I'm just not prepared for the Oscars this year, but I've been meaning to see Slumdog...I promise! I'll have to see it this week.) These are all predictions, but what I know for sure is that Leo totally got gypped this year -- he deserved to get a nod for Revolutionary Road.

The Oscars Streaming Blog: Part I

What was with that intro song and dance number by Hugh Jackman? That was so lame and not funny at all. I miss Billy Crystal. Is it me or do the Oscars feel like they're taking place in someone's basement this year? I guess they have to jump on the recession bandwagon. And that first presentation for best supporting actress -- that sounded more like nominees for sainthood than for supporting actress. And they didn't even play a clip of any of the performances! ...Btw, I love Marisa Tomei's Versace dress! Recession smesession.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Twitter Me This

I became a member of twitter some months ago to keep up with all things new. But I really didn't get it and didn't like it. It seemed that anything I could do on twitter I could just as easily do on Facebook...and so I signed on only a handful of times since then. That is, until I found out the difference between Facebook and twitter: unlike on Facebook, you can stalk -- scratch that -- "follow" celebrities' instant updates on Twitter without having to "friend" them or read about their fan pages. Hence, for the past 24 hours I have been obsessively following Britney Spears (britneyspears), John Mayer (johncmayer), Tina Fey (TinaFey), and Perez Hilton (perezhilton), who never seems to shut up on this thing -- but in a much more controlled way than on his website. I know that without twitter I could just as easily find out about all of these celebrities' latest happening by visiting their websites, but for some mysterious reason (probably the same reason that people scour Facebook for their frienemies' updates), it feels really cool to get up-to-the-minute updates about what all these famous strangers are thinking, doing, and eating (i.e., Tina Fey: Am I eating a Caramello bar for lunch? Yes. Yes I am. ) by going to one simple website, without having to admit that I'm their "friend" or a fan of their Facebook page or message board. Is it just me?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Grey's Lubotomy

If you didn't know by now, Grey's Anatomy has gotten bad. Really bad. Perhaps Shonda Rhimes is the only television-watching person who isn't aware of this fact. So, Shonda, in case you're reading this, this message is for you: Despite the unbearable storylines, the annoying characters, and the over-the-top goriness, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt; I wanted to keep liking your show, I wanted to keep forcing my husband to watch it with me.... But I can no longer justify doing so. Your show is that bad.

And as much as I really wanted to find out how Izzie and George end up getting canned, I just can't take having to watch anymore of this crap to find out. The last episode was so unbearable that I fast-forwarded through the whole thing on my Tivo, just to see if Izzie and George are still on the show by the end. The highlight of the episode: Denny (the talking ghost) didn't make an appearance. The downside: Izzie and George are still here. Sigh. Leave it to the brilliant minds at ABC to keep this garbage on while canceling Dirty Sexy Money.