Tuesday, June 3, 2008

THE Sex and the City Movie Post

If you couldn't tell by my name, I am a huge Sex and the City fan. I think it's safe to say that it's my favorite show, as I have seen, re-seen, and over-analyzed every episode ever made. So, like almost every other girl out there, I was way psyched about seeing the movie. I made a night of it -- fine NY sushi, cosmos at a Manhattan rooftop lounge, and then an evening showing at the Lincoln Center AMC. And let me tell you -- I have never seen so many girls in one, packed movie theatre before. It was like the antithesis of seeing Ironman (and apparently I'm not the first to compare -- very cleverly -- the two, see http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2008/06/sex_and_the_city_box_office_ex.html).

Okay, so make room for spoilers galore here -- meaning, if you haven't seen the fabulous Sex and the City movie yet, then 1) what's wrong with you?, and 2) you should stop reading this post now if you don't want to ruin it for yourself.

The movie is looong, and it feels long (in a good Sex and the City marathon way, though). And when closing credits rolled, I had many mixed thoughts. For one, why couldn't they have come up with something more original than "Carrie and Big break up again?" And did Samantha really have to break up with Smith?? And did they really have to make Steve's lovable character a cheater??? Something just didn't sit well with me about the movie immediately after it ended. But then, I had some time to absorb it, discuss it, and understand why they did the things they did.

As for the main plot, I expected something more than just another break-up. I was really waiting for Big to finally have that heart attack. But after I left the theatre and had time to think about it, I realized that because the whole show (from episode 1) is really based around the love story between Carrie and Big -- how quirky they are and how perfect they are for each other -- it made sense that the movie plot would revolve around Carrie missing the "big" picture (pun intended) and losing herself (again) in planning their wedding and life together. The wedding charade that unfolded wasn't "Carrie," and contradicted the show's main idea of Carrie being true to herself. After all, Carrie would have never picked out that pouffy wedding dress on her own (remember the Aidan wedding dress rash?). As I thought more and more about the concept of the movie from this perspective, I appreciated the plot more and more: Carrie stays true to herself through Big, rather than losing herself like she had with Petrovsky.

And what about Smith and Samantha? Well, I'm still somewhat torn on this one, but I can understand that, ultimately, Samantha is the type of character that needs to be free. She is the quintessential single girl, and while it was nice to see her find love, it's understandable that she lost herself in that, as well. Not every woman ends up with someone, and of the four girls, Samantha was the perfect one to stay single. After all, someone had to end up being the role model for all those 50-something women who are making it on their own out there with a dog or 10 cats.

Now for Steve. It broke my heart that Steve cheated on Miranda (maybe because I relate to Miranda so much that I married a Steve myself). And I think the fact that this plot line was so powerful that it broke my heart and made me feel so much, while forcing me to root for Miranda and Steve to still work it out (because Steve is such a good guy), proves that this was a good story. I'm mad at Steve (and the hubby got a talking to because of it), but I forgave Steve and I'm glad Miranda did too.

So I guess that's it. ...But I am quite sure the girls aren't done playing with our hearts. I am certain we'll see another installment of a Sex and the City movie, especially considering how well this one did at the box office ($55.7 million opening weekend, becoming one of the top five R-rated opening grossers of all time). Girl Power!


Anonymous said...

Great review! I agree with practically everything and actually didn't realize some of the things you found about the girls and them staying true to who they are. I can see why you relate to the Miranda story so much and I do agree that it was the most touching of all the ladies. I'm still not sure if I could ever forgive the way she did and there was also one line of hers that I just don't appreciate: when she told Steve that she "changed who she was for him" - what is that supposed to mean?? (I mean I know what it is in the context of Miranda's character, but so what?). Also in general, I think that everything was a little too over-the-top but I started to make peace with that with the understanding that film is a different medium than tv.

Pink Sapphire said...

What about Charlotte? You left Charlotte out! =O

And Louise? I didn't like Jennifer Hudson for the role. She can't act!

Anyway, I shall write a review at a later time now that you've finally seen the movie.

P.S. I've seen it twice already. =X

I am a Miranda said...

Anonymous, I absolutely agree with your comments. Some of these details also didn't sit well with me, but I do think that once you leave the theatre, you have to make peace with the film as a film. Check out the link in my post for a very interesting take on the movie in terms of the characters as superheroes; I think thinking of it through this lense really helps you appreciate "our" movie for its style, wit, and emotional tugs like "the guys" appreciate their movies for their special effects.

Charlotte, you're right, I didn't mention Charlotte's plot, simply because the post was already long enough and really, nothing bad happened to Charlotte. But, here are two things that bugged me about Charlotte in the movie: 1)Was it me, or was Charlotte acting way more nuerotic and weird than usual? and 2) Was it me, or was Charlotte's chemistry with her adoptive daughter totally lacking??

I am a Miranda said...

Oh, and as for "Louise," played by Jennifer Hudson, I actually liked how her character was thrown in the mix. It sizzled up the movie a bit. Her acting was a bit over the top, but I liked it, and I liked her chemistry with Carrie.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Jennifer Hudson was actually one of the highlights of the movie for me!

I didn't originally comment on the Carrie storyline, but I am still not 100% convinced that her and Big need to end up together - he is still a big baby!!