Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Celebrity Treatment (aka You Can't Make This Kind of Stuff Up)

I go to the Equinox gym in Columbus Circle. It's a huge and airy place, and it's considered to be one of the poshest gyms in Manhattan (certainly not the cheapest). And upon entering the gym, one passes a locked door to what appears to be an inner, secret room (see picture on left). From my investigation (basically my peaking through some glass areas around the pool and above the door that let you see part of this "inner" area), this is a secret (presumably celebrity) gym (see picture below of what my camera saw through the glass above this door).

And right by the locked door leading into this secret gym is a wall-mounted contraption that looks like one of those Sharper Image wall-mounted CD players (see picture of door above and pictures of the contraption itself below). ...But, get this -- it's actually an eye scan. Yes, an eye scan! As in, futuristic Star Trek wannabe eye scan!

Of course, I'm not creative enough to come up with an eye-scan conspiracy theory by myself. Leave that one to the hubby. He's been talking about it since we started going to the gym, and I was sceptical that there could possibly be such a thing at our gym. That is, until I stopped in front of the mysterious "eye-scan" and put my own eye to it. It immediately began blinking a green laser, trying to scan my eye (see picture below of my finger in front of it)! That's when I was convinced the theory had to be true and started telling the story at cocktail parties.
What's amazing is that the theory was finally confirmed the other day when, as I was leaving the gym, I actually saw someone walk up to the eye scan and put his eye to it only to have the secret door open! Of course, you're thinking (as I was), who was that guy??? I don't know; he was bummy and I didn't have my glasses on. But I can assure you that I will be bringing my glasses to the gym from now on and stalking the secret eye-scanning entryway until I spot my very own celebrity. ...You really can't make this stuff up. I will keep you posted.

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