Monday, May 5, 2008

Oprah and Tom: Take Two

So who caught the Oprah interview of Tom Cruise last Friday? If you didn't, this about sums it up: Pretty weird, but sorta nice. I'm glad to see Tom and Oprah patch things up and have it out on Tom's turf. And I must say, this interview does make him seem a little more sane and normal, and it certainly makes one think that his marriage to Katie Holmes might actually be real. In fact, Oprah did such a good job making Tom look sane, that at one point I actually wondered if the media might be the crazy ones (at least I did when Oprah brought up accusations that Suri isn't really Tom's baby -- come on, the kid looks like a clone of Tom Cruise! How could anyone possibly think that?). But then Tom mentioned Scientology, and that sanity stuff pretty much flew out the window -- at this point, Tom seemed nice, and perhaps genuine, but not so much sane. One issue that Oprah didn't touch on, of course, is why Tom didn't invite Oprah to his wedding. Oprah must be pissed about least a little. Come was in a Italy...and it was the talk of the town. Everyone who's anyone was there...except Oprah. I'd be just a little upset if I were Oprah.

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