Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Beginning

I'm not a blogger. But I guess every blogger said that before blogging for the first time. Everyone had to start somewhere. So this is my start.

The truth is that I've been reading more and more blogs and disagreeing with more and more of what I read, while still feeling the urge to keep reading. And honestly, that little comments section is just not enough for me to express my disagreement (or agreement). Sometimes, you just need your own full post. So why not try a blog?

So, some ground rules: This blog will be devoted to anything, everything, and nothing at the same time. Random musings will cover it all, in no specific order: pop culture, politics, relationships, health, societal observations, etc. We all know Seinfeld was a success, so I'm not about to reinvent the wheel when it comes to musing about nothing.

This blog will not be a personal diary or journal. (Though, of course, random musings will often be inspired by personal happenings.) It will be a thought-provoking, practical outlet for ideas and observations -- all open for your comments. So now that the rules are set, let's blog.

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