Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And So They Break Our Hearts...Again

On a sadder note, this week's UsWeekly recently reported that Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling have, once again, split up. *Tear. *And a special tear for Canada. Good thing I saw the Notebook again during the few months they were back together. It's just that much sappier that way.

Finally! A RealityTVPseudoCelebrity Spotting

I'm a bit obsessed with celebrities, so I'm always on the lookout for them. Unfortunately, I have a funny knack for never spotting them. The problem in New York City is that they look just like your average, ordinary folk, just walking down the street...especially when it gets cold and everyone's bundled up and red-nosed. At least in L.A., when you see a regular-looking, skimpily-dressed girl walking down the street, but she happens to be swamped by photographers, you know she must be famous. Here, celebrities probably squeek past me on the street regularly, and I would never even know it.

Well, I think my curse may have been broken today! I could've sworn I saw McKey from America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 walking into a Starbucks on 56th St. this morning, as I was walking out of it. I did a double take, and I'm pretty sure it was her, as she has rather distinct facial features and she's obviously freakishly tall.

Okay, okay -- so she's not much of a celebrity. But what's really cool about today's realitytvceleb-spotting is that now, I have a reason to predict that McKey will win tonight's finale. (Okay, so she's kind of a shoe-in to begin with, but....) What does McKey walking out of a Starbucks in NYC have to do with her winning ANTM, you ask? Well, we ANTM fans all know that once you win ANTM you move to NYC, of course. Where else would you possibly go if Tyra Banks crowned you as being model fabulous (but not nearly as fabulous as Tyra herself)? Duh!

Monday, November 17, 2008

2012: A Political Prophecy

I keep hearing newsbits about Sarah Palin running in 2012. First off, if you didn't get a chance to see this before Election Day, apparently now is as good a time as ever to visit: But seriously...Palin in 2012? When did the Republic Party get hijacked by the religious right? Okay, okay - so we know the answer to that one. Perhaps the question is why did the Republican Party get hijacked by the religious right? ...Because isn't it strange that such a thing would happen during the best economic times known to man? Was it September 11th that turned things backwards?

One thing's for sure: the Bible-thumping will only get worse when economic times are bad. As such, I feel a major rift coming on in the Republican Party. I, for one, am not hopeful for 2012. Perhaps it really is time for us Giuliani-philes to seriously explore shacking it up with those wacky Libertarians. ...They seem like the sane ones, comparatively speaking.

Sorry, but I AM a Miranda

So here's some more proof that I am, indeed, a Miranda: I have not had time to post on this blog since September because I was so busy at my big law firm job. Things have calmed down a bit now, so back to my musings.