Monday, November 17, 2008

2012: A Political Prophecy

I keep hearing newsbits about Sarah Palin running in 2012. First off, if you didn't get a chance to see this before Election Day, apparently now is as good a time as ever to visit: But seriously...Palin in 2012? When did the Republic Party get hijacked by the religious right? Okay, okay - so we know the answer to that one. Perhaps the question is why did the Republican Party get hijacked by the religious right? ...Because isn't it strange that such a thing would happen during the best economic times known to man? Was it September 11th that turned things backwards?

One thing's for sure: the Bible-thumping will only get worse when economic times are bad. As such, I feel a major rift coming on in the Republican Party. I, for one, am not hopeful for 2012. Perhaps it really is time for us Giuliani-philes to seriously explore shacking it up with those wacky Libertarians. ...They seem like the sane ones, comparatively speaking.

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