Thursday, June 4, 2009

Chapter one.....

And so my journey begins in the world of blogger. I feel very much like Carrie Bradshaw only without the voice over...
Much thanks to I am a Miranda for adding me as the voice of the suburbs! That's right folks. Now you get two voices for the price of one! Still working on my angle though - Miranda has the whole city vibe thing going so I think I might just embrace my "quaint" suburban existence and run with it.

And what's more suburban than a home cooked meal?

Recently, I am a Miranda asked me how to poach an egg, so here is poaching 101 along with my favorite recipe for eggs benedict. Enjoy!

Ok, here is the 411 on the poached egg:

Step 1: Fill a medium to large sized pan (a pot is too deep) with about 3 inches of water.
Step 2: As the water is heating up, crack your egg into a small bowl or coffee cup. This step is important as it ensures that you don't break the yolk!
Step 3: Add a little vinigar to the water and turn down the heat when the water is about to boil. The water should be simmering but NOT boiling.
Step 4: Carefully slide the egg into the water. Let it cook 2 min for a runny yolk and up to 4 for a firm one.
Step 5: Take out egg with a slotted spoon and lay on paper towel to absorb water.
Step 6: EAT! or use in my Eggs Benedict :)

Mrs. Van de G's Eggs Benedict
(serves 2)

toast an english muffin split in half
while the muffin is toasting:
blend together 1/2 reduced (or full if you prefer) fat mayo with 1 garlic clove, a squeeze of fresh lemon, a spash of water, salt and pepper. You can also add a few sprigs of parsley.
when muffins are done, top each half with 2 slices of smoked salmon and some chopped chives
top each half with 1 poached egg
top with sauce

Voila! Tasty and delicious!!

This sauce is also really good over steamed asparagus :)

1 comment:

I am a Miranda said...

Mrs. Van de G: Welcome! Sounds tasty and will save me some city $$$ over the weekend. I've always wanted to know how to make eggs benedict. I'll let you know how it goes when I try it out.