Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama-mania Update: Obama to Rid World of Nuclear Weapons

Obama announced today that two goals of his administration would be to secure all loose nuclear material and to rid the world of nuclear weapons. I'm not making it up. See,0,5575263.story.

. . . Really? I would think that someone in the Obama camp would be familiar with post-WWII 20th century history or political science or common sense. But, I guess maybe you need a combination of all three to understand the silliness of Obama's statement.

Maybe Bono should run for president -- that way, we can finally get world peace. Oh, wait, Bono's British [correction: Irish]. Oh well, I guess Obama it is. Let's hold hands and sing as we go to the polls.


Anonymous said...

"Bono's British" ???? LOL!

He's Irish, the band is from Ireland.

I am a Miranda said...

Touche, rihannsu-poodle. I'm made that correction. Eh - but what's the difference, anyway? He just has a funnier accent than the Brits.